Ifira Land Corporation v Kalmelu

Court of Appeal

Civil Appeal
78 of 2024
09 May 2024
10 May 2024

Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek; Justice John William von Doussa; Justice Rayner Asher; Justice Dudley Aru; Justice Viran Molisa Trief; Justice Edwin Goldsbrough; Justice William Kenneth Hastings
Ifira Land Corporation
Alick Kalmelu
S. Kalsakau for the Appellant; S.T. Joel for the Respondent


1.    By consent, the appeal is allowed. 

2.    This matter is remitted to the Supreme Court for a full trial before a different judge. 

3.    There is no order as to costs.

DATED at Port Vila, this 10th day of May 2024



Hon. Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek