Quinto v Republic of Vanuatu - Orders

Supreme Court

622 of 2020
14 Apr 2020

Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek
Stephen Quinto and Nicola Juliet Quinto
Republic of Vanuatu
Mrs MNF Patterson and Ms Lamiana Raikatalau for the Applicants; Mr. Sammy Aron for the Respondent


1. The Constitutional Application No. 622 of 2020 is struck out as there is no cause of action found in the Constitution relating to the breach of the fundamental rights of the applicants against the Republic;

2. The costs are granted in favour of the Respondent against the applicants in VT10,000 and such costs shall be paid by the applicants within 14 days from the date of this decision.

DATED at Port Vila this 14th day of April, 2020.


Vincent Lunabek
Chief Justice