Island Court Clerks participate in 2018 Annual Training

The Island Court Clerk’s training is an annual training and development program initiated to upgrade the knowledge and skills of an Island Court Clerk.
The training was conducted for two days at The Hotel Chantillys’ conference room in Port Vila, Vanuatu on the 11th and 12th of October 2018.

Island Court Clerk Training 2018

The aim of the training was to introduce participants to various issues identified by the Court administration and to provide refresher trainings on principles provided by the Island Court Act and Rules which govern the Island Courts in Vanuatu.

The desired outcome of the training was that the participant’s knowledge and skill would be enhanced throughout the training in the issues identified.

Topics covered in the training included; “The Island Court Jurisdiction and Powers under the Island Court Act and Rules.” A session was conducted by the Court Registry on “The Management of Island Court Cases in the Court’s Case Management System.” A representative of the Finance Department presented a session on “The Management of Public Funds.” Additional sessions in the two day training included “Time Management and Work Ethics,” and also “The preparation of Island Court decisions for online publication.”

Participants of the annual training are Island Court clerks that are stationed in the Island Court Offices located throughout Vanuatu.

At the end of the training the general feedback suggested that the aims and outcomes of the workshop were achieved. Most of the participant acquired new information in terms of skills, professional values and knowledge and for others it was good refinements to their knowledge.

Wendy Raptigh - Training & Development Officer, October 2018.